Comparing the costs of Electrolysis vs Wax, Laser, Sugaring, etc.
When looking at hair removal options, you need to look at more than just the up-front price. Read on to compare electrolysis treatments...
Comparing the costs of Electrolysis vs Wax, Laser, Sugaring, etc.
Can Laser Hair Removal cause hair to regrow faster?
Choosing an electrologist
Excess Face & Body Hair
Body Hair Removal Through the Ages
Taking Care of Your Skin
ZENSA - Topical anaesthetic with 5% lidocaine
Hydraplus - Soothing & moisturizing balm-gel
Alovive - A great post electrolysis cream for calming & smoothing the skin.
YI-ZHIBAUME - Soothing & Purifying Cream-Balm
Is Electrolysis safe during the Summer?
Electrolysis - Fast Facts